Be here, now.

Friends, it has been a very long time.

Life is very rich and full of ample opportunities to heal things that have been around for most, of not all, of my life.

With the current COVID-19 situation, fear abounds. I can’t say I remember the general public being so amped since the September 11th attacks. Interestingly enough, throughout (because?) of this a project I have been gestating is becoming a reality.

I wanted to write things out. I wanted to have a clear plan. I wanted to meet with a dear friend of mine, genius creative coach (and musician extraordinaire) Rebecca Hass. I wanted to rehearse. I wanted to Know What Exactly The Hell I Was Doing.

None of that is going to be a reality, at least in the beginning. Here it is, hopefully the first of many tracks to assist in regulating the nervous system.

If you are noticing how challenging it is to meet yourself in the current global, social, and political climate- much less do any healing work of substance- give yourself the gift of space and time to be with it all.

Sara Garnier